by Aurore Alonzo, Innkeeper and Guest Blogger
If you are looking for something new and fun to do on the island and like me, you are a photo lover always looking for a great shot to bring back home (and make your friends super jealous), don’t go any further… We have the perfect activity for you – a photography tour!
Treat yourself with a Capture Nantucket photography tour with Eleanor… Whether you have years of photography experience, or prefer the simplicity of an iPhone, Eleanor will welcome you with a warm beautiful smile and take you on a personal tour on the island. The experience is unique, informative, and inspirational.
Eleanor is a worldly and delightful young woman, who happens to also be an experienced and extremely talented photographer. A true artist! Her patient and easy going demeanor, her sharp eye and sense of capturing the perfect image at the right time, make her touring around the island a completely satisfying experience. Let yourself be guided through her aqua green eyes!… She is full of great advice and will provide assistance from beginning to end, while letting you take your time and feel the moment. She will be giving you informative background on the subjects you’re photographing, as well as tips on how to make better use of your camera and even how to make your pictures final look be very professional. Believe it or not, she will make you feel like you’re actually capable of taking pictures!
Needless to say that Nantucket is an amazing place to work on your photography skills, and capture the most beautiful souvenirs of your holiday. Her beauty can be found in everyday corner, from the cobble stones of the Cultural District to the sea birds flying on sunset skies, and so much more. The colors, the light, the rich and abundant vegetation, the architectural history are all a delight for the eyes and the lenses!
On my photography tour with Capture Nantucket, Eleonor drove me to the tiny fishing village of Sconset, located at the eastern end of Nantucket island (after treating me with coffee and croissant first, oui oui Madame!). The weather that morning was not as great as I would have hoped for… But Eleanor spoke to me with words of comfort reassuring me that a few clouds were actually not bad at all to take good pictures. That made me feel better, and I must say, I was surprised how much fun it actually was!
Siasconset, as ‘Sconset is properly but rarely called, derives its name from an Indian word meaning “near the great whale bone.” By the 1670’s, Sconset was one of four fishing “stands,” or stations, where fisherman lived during the spring and fall cod-fishing seasons. The fishermen built small cottages to accommodate the five men fishing crews. But these were not the charming cottages you see today. Rather, these were little more than one room wooden shacks with shingled roofs and dirt floors. As ‘Sconset started later on to becoming their permanent family home, the fishermen began making improvements on their tiny dwellings to provide year-round shelter. Instead of tearing them down, additions were made using odds and ends including old doors and windows, and occasionally parts of wrecked ships. Many of the fishing shanties turned cozy cottages still stand today. Most visitors would never guess that these charming rose-covered cottages, architectural treasures in their own right, started off as fishing shacks. Sconset is a very special place in this way and a paradise for picture taking.
The final product of a photo tour with Capture Nantucket is a reward. Something that you bring with you and made yourself, that you can be proud of. Following is a link to the album I created after my tour with Eleanor, and I have to admit that I would never have thought I could come up with some of these shots! So if I can do it, you can do it too, and Eleonor will give you the secret recipe to a picture like unforgettable moment!
Capture Nantucket offers tours daily, to book contact them at eleanor@capturenantucket.com or Tel: (770)-881-4566. Check their website for more info http://www.capturenantucket.com/